Expertise with sophisticated tools and rigorous methodologies to surface insights and drive outcomes


ICU Readmission as a Driver of Mortality and Length of Stay and the Potential to Identify Re-admission Risk Using a Commercial Early Warning Score System.

A research collaboration that included clinicians and researchers from both HCA Mission Hospital and Spacelabs Healthcare demonstrated how ICU readmission is an important driver of mortality rate and hospital length of stay. A commercial patient acuity score in use by Mission Health was shown to have potential for use in supporting pro-active risk mitigation strategies for patients downgrading from the ICU.  

Podcasts and Webinars

Exploring The Healthcare Challenges Facing Patients and Providers In Rural Communities

Kathy Belk joins as special guest on the Real World Evidence Club podcast. Hear an expert panel engage on a wide-ranging discussion that explores and nuances the challenges facing rural healthcare from both the patient perspective and the provider and healthcare organization perspective.


Effective Workflow Integration Is Key To Augmenting Clinical Practice With Predictive Analytics

Pragmatic insights from Kathy Belk and Joseph Beals on how they helped Spacelabs Healthcare frame a strategy to effectively deploy predictive analytics solutions. Cutting through the AI/ML hype and improving care delivery requires a recognition that technology will only get you so far, and a deep appreciation and knowledge for the human and operational factors that govern front-line patient care is essential.


In-patient Mortality Reductions Can Drive Cost Savings by Decreasing Hospital Length of Stay and Intensive Care Unit Utilization.

A propensity-matched cohort analysis quantified how a decrease in avoidable mortality can be extrapolated to reductions in both overall and ICU length of stay. This work provides a statistically rigorous basis for quality programs focused on mortality reduction to credibly infer a program cost savings which can otherwise be extremely challenging to measure.  


Quantifying Health Inequalities Associated with Novel Metastatic Cancer Therapies

A rigorous analysis of novel cancer therapies using published Kaplan-Meier curves found survival improvements disproportionately associated with patients whose comparative outcomes already tended to be better. This work, done in collaboration with members of the Health Consultancy Group, establishes a framework for using published aggregate data to evaluate inequalities in cancer treatments.


The Importance of Health Economic Modeling and Real-World Evidence to Inform Market Access Strategies

A Pharmaceutical Market Live article discussing the importance of incorporating health economic models early in a product life cycle to improve evidence generation planning and development of a product’s value proposition.  The article also discusses the importance of leveraging real-world evidence in early phases to help increase efficiencies as a product moves into late-phase development and launch.


Cost-Utility Analysis of a Machine-Learning Based Genetic Test for Opioid Abuse Risk

A joint project between Health Clarity Solutions and researchers from the Department of Health Services Administration at Xavier University evaluated a machine-learning based genetic test for risk of developing opioid use disorder assessment and were able to demonstrate the tool’s cost-effectiveness from the perspective of both private insurance and self-insured employers.  


Stratifying Deterioration Risk by Acuity at Admission to Support COVID-19 Triage

A multi-institutional collaboration between Health Clarity researchers and medical researchers from Yale New Haven Health, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, and the UC Irvine Medical Center and PeraHealth Inc., revealed that COVID patients of a given acuity could be shown to have a measurably different in-patient risk profile measured across a range of adverse events relative to non-COVID patients of similar admission acuity. A real-time measure of patient acuity was shown to be an effective risk stratification tool.


Quantification of CDC Risk Factors at Admission Identifies COVID Patients with Elevated Likelihood of Adverse Outcomes

A joint initiative between Health Clarity Solutions and researchers at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Xavier University, and the American Academy of Family Physicians analyzed patients from over 300 US hospitals to find a clear relationship between the number of CDC risk factors and the likelihood of inpatient mortality, ICU utilization, and hospital length of stay providing a basis for early risk stratification of patients at the time of hospital admission.

Joseph Beals, PhD, MBA, FAMIA

Joe is an accomplished healthcare executive with a track-record of bringing innovative technologies to market and helping client organizations develop and execute digital health strategies. A common thread throughout his career is a passion for translational data science – the “bench to bedside” operationalization of evidence-based insights and data driven technologies.

Joe has extensive experience in health informatics research, including predictive model development, clinical trial design, and process and outcomes improvement. He has published widely and received research awards from the American Medical Informatics Association, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, and the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. He worked closely with the FDA on one of the first real-world evidence supported regulatory clearances for AI/ML software used in predicting patient deterioration. Joe has led US and European federal grant projects, most recently as co-principal investigator on a contract from the US Department of Health and Human Services Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to develop and deploy an Emergency Department triage tool.

In a prior role as CEO of PeraHealth, Joe expanded the company’s focus to encompass health care delivery challenges across the care continuum, including in sub-acute and home health environments and he oversaw the transformation of the company’s analytics service offerings in these areas. Following the acquisition of PeraHealth by Spacelabs Healthcare, Joe led Spacelab’s data science and analytics strategy, spear-heading the company’s digital health and analytics roadmap. Joe is a long-time proponent of the concept of augmented intelligence in healthcare – the operationalization of innovative AI/ML technologies which can both enhance the effectiveness and improve the experience of clinical care providers.

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Kathy W. Belk

Kathy is a clinical informaticist, data scientist and healthcare technologist with over 25 years of experience conducting healthcare research and performance improvement initiatives.

She has a passion to transform healthcare through data-driven care redesign and a diverse background enabling her to balance innovative strategy with rigorous scientific methodologies to create fit-for-purpose solutions.
She has extensive experience leading data-driven projects for pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device companies, health service providers as well as specialty societies and government agencies. Her work includes both traditional and innovative study designs across a wide range of topics and clinical areas and has resulted in more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and/or presentations in scientific journals and conferences.

Kathy has extensive data collection and linkage experience across many types of healthcare datasets including two used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, for which she was a subject matter expert. In a prior role with Premier, Inc., she served as data expert and lead scientist for an innovative pay-for-performance demonstration project with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. More recently she has led a range of data science, analytics and clinical technology initiatives for effective development and deployment of clinical decision support technology.